Saturday, 9 October 2010


why on earth it turns out like this..

i will learn to be strong..and i shall 'delete' everything concerning about you  the sad moments..
hope i am a kind enough person that will forgive and forget..which i don't think i am..
seriously all the act kinda piss me off..everything happened so sudden which i have no idea why on earth does it happened..
i am totally clueless yet i think you'll have your reason to be so mad..
bt why out of a sudden? 
did i kill ur family or what?
actually this kind of thing is like testing my limit and patience..
never take advantage of my kindness..
if you dont like me, tell me directly to my face by quit showing me your anger on me.
crap..after saying all these, it doesn't makes me feel any better.

0 krabby patty: