Tuesday, 28 December 2010


and so, the assignments due dates are drawing near.
yet, i am still feeling lazy to start my assignments.hell, i have no idea what is happening nowadays.
so, i ended up google up some suff which i hope it's useful for myself on....


1. Sleep as much as you can the night before, so that you have enough rest. Have an afternoon nap, or a big   sleep, in the day before. Sleep for at least 12 hours the night before. (basically i think this i DID this before.well, i think i got addicted to sleep)

2.Turn on the TV to make the room bright. If you can, turn at least two lights on.This will keep your eyes open and you will be sure to stay awake. Do not watch the news, unless that keeps you awake and alert!

3.Do things that you really enjoy like watching movies, talking about your latest crush, playing video games, or playing quiet board game that will keep you occupied.

4. If you think you will get into bed, weaken and fall asleep, shove a few hairbrushes, pins, pans etc. under your sheet to help keep you awake.

5. Don't lie in bed, It is so comfortable that the minute you shut your eyes you will not want to open them again so sit on a hard chair or something similar.

6. Have a pillow fight (aint a good idea since i will get flu easily)

7. If your pajamas are comfortable, and therefore easy to fall asleep in, then stay in your clothes and wear tight jeans or something that is not comfortable enough to stay in one position.

8. Try talking all night about exciting things such as the people you like or your friends maybe even the TV shows you like at the moment.

9. Play games like Truth or Dare,Would You Rather, and Mafia. You have to pay attention in these games, that will keep you alert.

10. Tell lots of scary stories that will scare each other half to death. Try playing a truth or dare game in the dark outside, so you will be scared to sleep

11. You can watch infomercials. Try to criticize them and find their flaws as much as possible. It's fun and will also get your brain thinking and out of a resting state.

12. Drink coffee or caffeinated drinks. If you don't like coffee, drink soda. Some good examples are Red Bull, Muthas, LOLs, Dr peppers, Monster and maybe some soft drinks (if you live in Europe some drinks are: Rockstar, Relentless, Red Bull, Burn, Pure Rush, Battery and X-Ray).

13. If you really are going to fall asleep, go into the bathroom and splash your face with cold water with your eyes open. this will keep you awake longer

14. Rely on each other. Make a rule where if anybody sees anybody else start to fade off, or look drowsy, they can give them a big pinch in the arm.

15. If possible, eat spicy foods. Eating something spicy is just like pinching yourself, but with more burning

16. Take cold showers very often!

gosh..i have no idea these are the ways...but it needs company to make sure one to stay awake all night..darn there more yet i am too freaking lazy to copy and put it in here..ahh..well,i think taking cold shower might work for me and also chewing on something while doing my work works here too.bah..i think i shall stop crapping and head off to bed. Just had my medicine and i can feel the drowsy feeling now already.
toodles. night!

for those who are still intent to stay up take note..there are also precaution!

  • For some people, doing this may cause headaches, sometimes with eye pain, slurring, nonsensical speech, and hallucinations.
  • Staying up all night, especially during a double sleepover, can make you a tad grouchy during the day.
  • You may become over-tired during the day after the sleepover.
  • Do not consume sugar! It does give you energy, however you will crash later on and end up more tired than you had felt before you had the sugar. try a little at a time, so the crash is less effective.
  • Do not let yourself, or any other guest at the sleepover, overdose on caffeine! It's possible and the host's parents will not be happy!
  • Staying up late may be fun but you can mess up your sleep schedule for several days after it. When you go home and sleep all day you'll just have trouble falling asleep the next night. This can drag into the school week.
  • Easiest way to fall back into a good sleeping pattern is by staying awake right through the day till around 5pm to 7pm then go sleep, you should wake up bright and alert about 5am - 6am the next day.
  • Excessive caffeine may cause you to have the jitters and/or a rapid heart rate
  • Sleep deprivation can cause mood swings, changes in alertness, etc. Be ready the next day for some of the side effects until you get some sleep.
  • You might end up with a very scratchy voice the day after.
  • Do not do this on a school night.
  • Try to have backup friends it works A LOT better.
  • Do not drive during the next day if extremely tired.
  • If all your friends crash before you, and you're the only one awake, just give in and go to sleep also.
  • Try not to get close to the host's parent's room. If they awake, it wont be pretty, they will most likely make you go to sleep, separate you, or ground you from other sleepovers.

ok, i am blabbing too much..
i am feeling sleepy already posting this crappy post.
a picture of honey jaejoong to end the post!!

(a picture of him makes me goes wild and energetic! )


0 krabby patty: