2017 is just a rough year for me.
Shaky start and shaky ride.
Waves just keeps coming at me
trying to drown me i guess
Well, it's time to let go
That boat is just unbearable.
I finally took that big step and walked away
Time for some self reflect i guess..
Breath suerin breath.
Life must go on.
It aint the end of the world.
The world is still spinning indeed
To me, people are still so scarry....
They tend to be good in front of you and yet...
They eat you alive in front of boss behind your back!
Oh well... Im sure god has a better end for me to venture.
I believe in him. Enough negativity thoughts.
Dissapear disappear!!
Congratulations to my little hunbun giving birth to her first baby jr lee
#joanneongjadimarmee #housematekuygcomel #26.09.2017
A picture of myself where i am still doing well and happy.
Current song : ed shape of you.
0 krabby patty:
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