appreciate life like there is no tomorrow.
don't only keep in touch with people when he or she is in terrible health.
come on, it doesn't mean anything if normally you don't even bother to call or visit when there is nothing and yet when something bad happens u'll act like u care.
quit those as i sense that it's some sort of pitying me and it's not like you care as you don't even care.
even relatives friends.
i don't need such people around me with such shit attitude.
get out of my sight and mind your own business
thou' its hard to believe it,
but i hope you'll be able to go thru it.
and yes, we will be praying and hoping that everything will be back to normal,
isn't life is strange
as we cant predict what is going to happen
if only, we can foresee what is going to happen in the near future
so, we can help to prevent it or to stop it from happening.
think of the love ones and keep on going as it is the strength to go on.
0 krabby patty:
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