Wednesday, 27 April 2011


well, time flies..
ahh and it's coming to an end..
i must try to hold the grip tighter and i need to hang on
well, a year..

monday : i guess the DiGi guard seriously piss me off.. pfttt..seriously i will report you if the attitude of yours is so sickening..well, basically if you just scolded me and mind ur ow business ofter that i won't give a damn but can't you just STFU.. basically, i didn't even did anything wrong yet i got scolded from's already a good thing as i didnt scold or yell back at you..well, am learning to control my anger and bad tempered..pftt..bah.ahh well, maybe that's your  attitude on how to be a so called good guard..but from my point of view, you'll never be a good guard..i won't get my vote for it..

ps : i've lost EVERYONE'S contact. . :'(

what is happening..i got happy when i see you..
well i guess its just my delusion..since i don't think am ready for this..

0 krabby patty: